// Blocktypeid List
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_CORE_SCRAPBOOK_DISPLAY', 1 ); // Proxy block for blocks pasted through the scrapbook.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_CORE_STACK_DISPLAY', 2 ); // Proxy block for stacks added through the UI.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_DASHBOARD_FEATURED_ADDON', 3 ); // Features an add-on from concrete5.org.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_DASHBOARD_FEATURED_THEME', 4 ); // Features a theme from concrete5.org.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_DASHBOARD_NEWSFLOW_LATEST', 5 ); // Grabs the latest newsflow data from concrete5.org.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_DASHBOARD_APP_STATUS', 6 ); // Displays update and welcome back information on your dashboard.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_DASHBOARD_SITE_ACTIVITY', 7 ); // Displays a summary of website activity.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_AUTONAV', 8 ); // Creates navigation trees and sitemaps.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_CONTENT', 9 ); // HTML/WYSIWYG Editor Content.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_DATE_NAV', 10 ); // A collapsible date based navigation tree
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_EXTERNAL_FORM', 11 ); // Include external forms in the filesystem and place them on pages.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_FILE', 12 ); // Link to files stored in the asset library.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_FLASH_CONTENT', 13 ); // Embeds SWF files, including flash detection.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_FORM', 14 ); // Build simple forms and surveys.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_GOOGLE_MAP', 15 ); // Enter an address and a Google Map of that location will be placed in your page.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_GUESTBOOK', 16 ); // Adds blog-style comments (a guestbook) to your page.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_HTML', 17 ); // For adding HTML by hand.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_IMAGE', 18 ); // Adds images and onstates from the library to pages.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_NEXT_PREVIOUS', 19 ); // Navigate through sibling pages.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_PAGE_LIST', 20 ); // List pages based on type, area.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_RSS_DISPLAYER', 21 ); // Fetch, parse and display the contents of an RSS or Atom feed.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_SEARCH', 22 ); // Add a search box to your site.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_SLIDESHOW', 23 ); // Display a running loop of images.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_SURVEY', 24 ); // Provide a simple survey, along with results in a pie chart format.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_TAGS', 25 ); // List pages based on type, area.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_VIDEO', 26 ); // Embeds uploaded video into a web page. Supports AVI, WMV, Quicktime/MPEG4 and FLV formats.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_YOUTUBE', 27 ); // Embeds a YouTube Video in your web page.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_ZOOM_IMAGE', 28 ); // Adds images and onstates from the library to pages.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_ND_PHP', 29 ); // For adding PHP script by hand.
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_PACKAGELIST', 32 ); // 野菜セット項目
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_ITEM', 34 ); // 商品をカートに入れるボタン
define( 'BLOCKTYPE_ITEMLIST', 35 ); // 商品リスト項目
// Blocktypeid List
// Collectiontypeid List
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_CORE_STACK', 1 ); // Stack
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_DASHBOARD_PRIMARY_FIVE', 2 ); // Dashboard Primary + Five
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_DASHBOARD_HEADER_FOUR_COL', 3 ); // Dashboard Header + Four Column
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_NULL', 5 ); // Null
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_HOME', 7 ); // ホーム
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_CONCEPT', 8 ); // オハナの想い
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_LOCATION', 9 ); // オハナの自然環境
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_ABOUT', 10 ); // 会社案内
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_MAKE', 11 ); // オハナの野菜づくり
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_EVENT', 12 ); // オハナのやさい教室
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_TOOLS', 13 ); // ツール
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_BLOG', 14 ); // オハナ ブログ一覧
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_BLOG_POST', 15 ); // オハナ ブログ記事
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_GOODSLIST', 17 ); // 商品リスト
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_SETLIST', 18 ); // 野菜セット
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_OHANACLUB', 19 ); // オハナ倶楽部
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_OHANA_RECIPE', 20 ); // オハナ倶楽部 レシピ
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_PROFILE', 22 ); // シェフプロフィール
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_MAILMAGAZINE', 23 ); // ニュースレター
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_MYPAGE', 24 ); // マイページ
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_CART', 25 ); // カート
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_OHANACLUB_MEMBER', 30 ); // 投稿レシピリスト
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_MYPAGE_SINGLE_COLUM', 31 ); // マイページ1カラム
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_NORMAL', 32 ); // サイドメニュー付き
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_HOME2', 33 ); // 新ホーム
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_FRIENDS', 34 ); // オハナフレンズ
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_OHANAPOINT', 35 ); // オハナポイント
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_OHANACLUB2', 37 ); // オハナ倶楽部新トップ
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_CART_TRIAL', 38 ); // カート お試し
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_BABYCOME', 39 ); // ベビカム
define( 'COLLECTIONTYPEID_CART_PRICE', 40 ); // カート 温野菜
// Collectiontypeid List